My Dirty Little Bitcoin Secrets

By Ofir Beigel


Bitcoin trading is complex, but it’s something that many traders can get involved with provided they have a little bit of knowledge and advice behind them. Ofir Beigel’s book fulfills this function: it’s designed for the casual trader who’s interested in the cryptocurrency world, and who wants a new Bitcoin business model to follow.


One of the major advantages of this book compared to others on the market is that it’s not simply a trading self-help guide or merely a dry history of the Bitcoin world. In fact, it’s both!

To begin with, Beigel focuses on what he describes as the “Bitcoin ecosystem”, and he offers a handy introduction to what the many different terms mean and how the system works.

He then goes on to look at how traders can follow in his footsteps in the Bitcoin space, sharing his own experience of crafting a Bitcoin business from scratch. He also opens the offer up to those who are short on either (or both) cash or time, promising a system that he claims requires little upfront investment.

At 350 pages, this is a fairly meaty book, which means that there’s a lot for traders to get stuck into. It does mean that at times, it may feel a little like information overload, but by persisting with it and not giving up, there are definitely some valuable insights to have.

It also focuses in part on marketing, which means that the business model outlined here is somewhat different from the normal Bitcoin trading process: those looking for a simple Bitcoin trading guide should consider looking elsewhere.


Format: Kindle Edition

Length: 350 pages, 6777 KB file size

Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

Language: English