Forex Dreaming

  • By Luke Andresen

  • August 6, 2018
  • 7:30 pm BST

Forex Dreaming: The hard truth of why retail traders don’t stand a chance. and how YOU can rise above and start WINNING

By Christopher Lee


Aimed at those who don’t mind hearing the truth about the way the forex industry operates, Christopher Lee’s book is a real hard hitter. While it is written in a way that is at times entertaining and at other times surprising, there are lots of insights that both the casual trader and the committed forex investor can take away from it.


This book has clearly been crafted to provoke the interest of the reader, and that’s an aim it manages to achieve with ease. By going behind the facade and using his extensive experience to paint a picture of the reality of forex trading, Lee will leave you surprised by some of the realities he delivers.

Lee focuses in large part on the role of the brokers, and how they may appear to be simply providing a service, but they sometimes don’t have a retail trader’s dreams and success at heart. But this book isn’t merely a work of complaint: he also delivers a trading approach of his own, which the reader is free to pick up and adopt in their own trading lives.

Christopher Lee himself has plenty of his own expertise to fall back on, and this is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the book. As he has pointed out, he’s not a writer by trade – and for that reason, the tone of the book can sometimes appear a little unconventional, due largely to his direct, clear and to-the-point style. But that’s also part of its charm, and it makes it even more likely that the insights delivered will be remembered and put to good use in a trader’s future work.


Format: Kindle Edition

Length: 68 pages, 1482 KB

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Christopher Lee

Publication date: 8th June 2015, 1st edition

Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

Language: English